Solar Powered Robot from TRASH

abhimanyu projects
Jan 01, 2013 Posted by Abhimanyu

Solar Powered Robot from TRASH

Jan 01, 2013 Posted by Abhi Raj

I will show you step by step how to construct a light sensitive, solar powered, robot. All you need is some parts that can easily be found in the trash or in your backyard. I built mine totally from trash2011-02-14 16.56.21.jpg


2- 1.5 volt motors
1- AAA battery pack that holds 2 batteries
1- On/Off switch
1- Old solar powered garden light
Random bits of wire
zip ties

And something to use as the chassis for your robot, I used some bits of Erector Set parts, but almost anything can be used.


Needle nose pliers
Wire stripper
Scissors or wire cutters
A vice grip (optional)
Magnifying glass (optional)
Soldering iron and solder (not optional)
Glue gun and glue